✭ ✭ ✭ Vol II Issue II ..... April 2020 ✭ ✭ ✭

Due to some goings on by the manager lately, I thought it would be interesting to share some information with everybody. If it is true that she is going around taking pictures of our homes without permission, probably trying to gather information so she can bitch some more about the condition of our properties, I thought you might be interested in some of the problems that she has with her ‘own backyard!’

I know that when she inspected our property, one complaint she had was that one of our gutter downspouts was loose. Well, let’s take a look at her gutters on the clubhouse.

This first one shows the gutter on the Southeast corner.

This one is at the Northeast corner, nearest the Swimming Pool.
When it rains, a steady stream of water pours out of this joint.

Here is the West side gutter, over the area of the Sales Office.

Another view of the same gutter.

See how far the gutters are pulled away from the building, near sales office.

Here you can see the sagging gutter near the front door.

This is the gutter over the front door. Do we really want prospective neighbors to get this first impression of Royal Villas?

And these next two pictures, taken along the South side, clearly show how far the gutters have pulled away from the building.

Next, we have a wonderful system of pathway lights that help us find our way at night. The only trouble is that half of them don’t work! Many of them are in need of a new light bulb; some of them need to be replaced or rewired! Recently, someone must have complained about the dark pathway between Circles 8 & 9, because the manager installed a couple of solar-powered path lights. That’s right, dim, weak, ineffective solar lights. This is on the pathway between circles 8 & 9, I don’t know about the rest of the park.

I tried to take pictures to compare the amount of light the original lamps put off compared to the solar ones. I hope these next photos convey that.

This first one is of the light spread by the original lighting fixtures.

This second one is the amount of light the cheap Solar-Powered lights put out.

The original lights broadcast a wide, bright circle of light. The solar ones barely make enough light to light up the ground directly beneath them! Trying to save a few cents, the manager put everybody at risk, by installing cheap solar lights which are meant to be decorative, not meant to be used for safety lighting. This is a clear 'Slip, Trip and Fall' hazard, and should be reported to the authorities!

Somebody should go to the office (when you can!) and fill out work orders for these problems, and see if they ever get fixed. If you do, be sure to keep copies for your records!

Every year we have had our rent jacked up by significant amount, and every year the maintenance of Royal Villas gets worse and worse! Maybe Corporate could spend some of that extra money to fix this place up, instead of using it to line their own coorporate pockets!

The manager should clean up her ‘own backyard,’ before complaining about ours!

Well, this hasn’t been much of newsletter! I really could use more input from everybody at RV! Stories, story ideas, pictures, gossip, just about anything. Thanks.


Thanks for reading this,

Tom Wirch, Editor
